Fundies are Nuts
More Islamic Idiots
Featuring Baloomba Oomba
Dialogue between Muslims and Christians
Allah Guided me to this room
Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a General Audience including minors. Offensive language is not permitted.
Alert: Welcome to a loving and friendly
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can come ask questions but there is no
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and welcome to come back another day.
Asalamu Alaikum, May Allah Guide You.
Baloomba Oomba: Allah Guided me to this room
Hazy Angel 4 U: asalaamu alaykum
Hazy Angel 4 U: how are you to*a
Hazy Angel 4 U: to*ay
Baloomba Oomba: I am *ine To*ay
Baloomba Oomba: *ow a*e *ou?
Hazy Angel 4 U: im sorry one of my letters *ont work
Hazy Angel 4 U: im am well
Baloomba Oomba: *im *orry *bout *hat *o
Hazy Angel 4 U: now your poking fun is there something you woul like?
Baloomba Oomba: *ut *very *hing *lse is ok?
Hazy Angel 4 U: yes alham*ulilah
Baloomba Oomba: Why is it that the Koran quotes the bible haphazzardly?
Hazy Angel 4 U: are you a muslim?
Baloomba Oomba: NO I a Rombanian
Hazy Angel 4 U: never hear* of a Rombanian
Baloomba Oomba: It is a Bombastic faith
silentsoul_5: ok
Hazy Angel 4 U: the quran *oesnt quote from the bible
Baloomba Oomba: OH which came first?
Hazy Angel 4 U: the quran came From Allah alone
Hazy Angel 4 U: silent soul are you a muslim?
Baloomba Oomba: I doubt that very much, seems allah wasn't very smart
silentsoul_5: ys i m muslim
silentsoul_5: alhamdulillah
Baloomba Oomba: I seems like it came from quasi literate arabs
Hazy Angel 4 U: now wait just a minute i am not gonna go aroun insulting your religion pleasse *ont insult Islam
Baloomba Oomba: You can't insult Rombanianism, it's imposerous
Baloomba Oomba: It's completely imposerous to do that, you have to be a commedian
silentsoul_5: baloomba
silentsoul_5: do u wana feel God
silentsoul_5: i dnt beleve on debate
Baloomba Oomba: silentsoul is he Goosing people?
silentsoul_5: come lets hav a theropy with me
Baloomba Oomba: silentsoul have you bee to a theropodist?
silentsoul_5: no
silentsoul_5: i m nt theropist
Baloomba Oomba: silentsoul so what you wanna say 2 me?
silentsoul_5: i wana say to u
Baloomba Oomba: Yeah SAY it
silentsoul_5: dt debate wil nt bore any fruit
silentsoul_5: u r here for cross talk
silentsoul_5: and i can do it wel
silentsoul_5: but i want u see smething practical
silentsoul_5: then beleve on wt u feel and see
silentsoul_5: stil i m nt forcing anything upon u
Baloomba Oomba: Why not, do you think your religion is so illogical and bereft of factual support that you couldn't possibly convince me?
silentsoul_5: i dnt wana convince u
silentsoul_5: i want u remain same wt u r
Baloomba Oomba: Why not, i hear DAWA every day, see it on the subway ads etc.
silentsoul_5: do u beleve on God?
Baloomba Oomba: I am a Rombanian, we have geometrical Gods
silentsoul_5: its good if u hear dawa
silentsoul_5: oh
Baloomba Oomba: Is it good or annoying?
Baloomba Oomba: We beleive in converting Sines to Co-sines by phase shifting them
silentsoul_5: annoying for wt
Baloomba Oomba: DAWA is it annoying to you?
Hazy Angel 4 U: wc belief
silentsoul_5: u mean any palmist type of beleifs
belief in tawheed: Thank you Hazy
silentsoul_5: no
Baloomba Oomba: Palmist?
belief in tawheed: Assalamualaikum to you all
Hazy Angel 4 U: why woul* *awa be annoying to us
Hazy Angel 4 U: wa alaykum as salaamm
silentsoul_5: i like listening dawa
silentsoul_5: hazy let him say