Fundies are Nuts
More Islamic Idiots
Featuring ezra_ben_yechezkel
Dialogue between Muslims and Christians
So you guys are fatimids?
Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a General Audience including minors. Offensive language is not permitted.
Alert: welcome to the room of the followers of imam ahmad al hassan messenger from imam al mahdi ,jesus and elijah
asianbarbie1: mashallah
pure mercy: hello
dawnoftheage: HI
asianbarbie1: heya
pure mercy: this cyber room is sharing about the man on earth who is appointed by God for this time..
ezra_ben_yechezkel::your Arabic gives me a headache
pure mercy: are you interested to know how to worship God? you can also learn from the website
ezra_ben_yechezkel::What I know is that anybody who claims to be appointed by God in our time is a liar
dawnoftheage: Fatima is the finest example of how we should be
ezra_ben_yechezkel::So you guys are fatimids?
pure mercy: it has also books from the appointed leader who shares truth in these times of much tyranny and injustice
ezra_ben_yechezkel::The Fatimid Islamic Caliphate or al-Fa?imiyyun (Arabic ?????????) was an Arabo-Berber Shia Muslim caliphate first centered in Tunisia and later in Egypt that ruled over varying areas of the Maghreb, Sudan, Sicily, Malta, the Levant, and Hijaz from 5 January 909 to 1171. They were the first group to have a slave warrior class, the Mamuluks, Such great people.
pure mercy: The leader AHmad Al Hassan has knowledge more so then others alive now about the bible, torah and quran we welcome you to see what he says according to truth.
ezra_ben_yechezkel::you gotta be kidding
ezra_ben_yechezkel::Anybody with such "good knowledge" would know they are man made and fileld with drivel
pure mercy: there is known information from past prophets that this will occur " in the end of times the comfortor would emerge"
pure mercy: he will remind everyone the truth and its importance.
ezra_ben_yechezkel::The NT has been proven to be a conglomeration the workds of dispartate sects that did not communicate pasted together
pure mercy: he will try to reach everyone with his appearance*
ezra_ben_yechezkel::Like wise the OT is a combination of various manuscripts andthe Koran is a combination of random Bible commentary, apocryphal stories and special pleading
pure mercy: he is on earth with evidence of who he is
ezra_ben_yechezkel::Remember --- Anybody who claims to be appointed by God in our time is a liar
ezra_ben_yechezkel::So anybody who claims to have special knowledge of these books and doesn't know the documentary theory is a noodnick
Laila_Ali_1: wha?
ezra_ben_yechezkel::pure mercy do you get it or is your brain still on neutral
Laila_Ali_1: Are you like, right in the head?
Laila_Ali_1: Like...seriously........ what is going on today?
Laila_Ali_1: Is there something in the air
pure mercy: remember also sister meryem you get reward for trying to learn sincerely as a servent of ALAH..
hasan1984_2: lol
Laila_Ali_1: ?
Laila_Ali_1: lol
hasan1984_2: its a test
ezra_ben_yechezkel::Oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and bit of CO2
pure mercy: so even if it takes a lifetime it is still worth it : )
pure mercy: ALAH kareem
pure mercy: ezra how old are you if you dont mind me asking
Laila_Ali_1: ice cream man sending messages
ezra_ben_yechezkel::mercy I be older than you are
Laila_Ali_1: he's asking to be freed
Laila_Ali_1: lol
Laila_Ali_1: what did he do?
pure mercy: ezra do you know about religion well?
pure mercy: have you ever wondered about the "SOUL"
Laila_Ali_1: Ok
mohammed555_3: Sister i have a question
ezra_ben_yechezkel::mercy define what you think is a soul
Laila_Ali_1: moh when did u come back?
Laila_Ali_1: lol
pure mercy: fee amneeALAH dear ansar brothers and sisters
hasan1984_2: these people should be ashamed of themselfs if the imam a.s could see this he wouldn't be happy
Laila_Ali_1: Fi Aman Allah
ezra_ben_yechezkel::mercy do you know that the English word Soul means breath
mohammed555_3: Was any of the ansars ever part of jund al Samaa, and what is this group why is Imam(as) being compared with them in all these articles ?
Ahilla313: If thou couldst see how the angels receive those who disbelieve, smiting faces and their backs and (saying): Taste the punishment of burning!
hasan1984_2: yep
ezra_ben_yechezkel::So Soul Spirit ghost etc is a compilation of misunderstandings about respiration and the gas laws
Ahilla313: 8:50
vvelazq238:: you can tell that ezra_ben_yechezkel doesn't know anything the books of Allah
mohammed555_3: yes
ezra_ben_yechezkel::vvelazq238 I can see what I read and it isn't pretty
hasan1984_2:: ye
mohammed555_3: yes
Laila_Ali_1: ezra r u a believer? do u have any monothiestic beliefs?
hasan1984_2: sallam brother mo
mohammed555_3: Walaikum Salam bro
mohammed555_3: yes
vvelazq238:: ws wr wb
Laila_Ali_1: walaykum asalaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatu
ezra_ben_yechezkel::the Koran is a third rate commentary set in no particular order that consistantly garbles its purloined sources
Laila_Ali_1: ezra...can u read my question and answer it or not?
mohammed555_3: yes
ezra_ben_yechezkel::For instance it has Miriam, the sister of Moses as the mother of Jesus
Laila_Ali_1: What religion do you follow? Since you want to criticise everyones beliefs....what are your own?
ezra_ben_yechezkel::Laila is one god better than 10?
vvelazq238:: you must crazy ezra
vvelazq238:: be
Laila_Ali_1: My God is the only God
ezra_ben_yechezkel::vvelazq238 and what is your excuse?
Laila_Ali_1: Worthy of Worship
mohammed555_3: yes
Laila_Ali_1: The Everylasting
Laila_Ali_1: the Eternal
mohammed555_3: they are trying to ruin the image
ezra_ben_yechezkel:: Laila why do you think your god is a god?
Laila_Ali_1: My God is your God too ezra
mohammed555_3: yes
vvelazq238:: I am crazy for Allah(swt)
Laila_Ali_1: REcognise
mohammed555_3: i understand now
ezra_ben_yechezkel::Actually no, my god is a cute rodent
Laila_Ali_1: Astagfarullah
Laila_Ali_1: When you face your God, you will cry recallling this moment and wish you didn't say this That I can promise you ezra
ezra_ben_yechezkel::Laila Question Why is it when logic fails the bleever then they resport to threats?
Laila_Ali_1: No threats
Laila_Ali_1: When did I threaten you?
vvelazq238:: why don't someone red dot ezra_ben_yechezkel
ezra_ben_yechezkel::You can promise me that I will answer to your god when in this life your god can't answer a simple question on the internet
Laila_Ali_1: Where is the logic in what you have said? Please, show me
Well we are waiting for your almighty all powerful and all knowing God to post on the internet,
Surely a simple thing like this should not be so hard for the creater of the flat earth covered with the 7 heavens and
Jannah where you get your 72 Virginians or Hell where they burn off your skin which then grows back do they can burn it off again
Laila_Ali_1: When you face your God, you will cry recallling this moment
Laila_Ali_1: That I can promise you ezra
ezra_ben_yechezkel::I call that threats
mohammed555_3: Ezra was in the room in the night session
Laila_Ali_1: Ahilla, ice cream van outside my house lol, it's outside my house
Laila_Ali_1: lol
mohammed555_3: and yeah tried creating chaos there as well