Fundies are Nuts
More Islamic Idiots
Featuring Sheikh Sheket Bivakashah
Allah guided me to this room.
Yes he did, him and his little brother Bill
Islamic_Guy: asalamu alaikum wr wb
Islamic_Guy: how are you brother? I was in another room. I seen your message
sheikh sheket bivakashah: You deed?
Islamic_Guy: yes
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I forgot what was My Message? I'm in the end of the world LOL room
sheikh sheket bivakashah: Allah guided me to this room
Islamic_Guy: yes lol
sheikh sheket bivakashah: Yes he did, him and his little brother Bill
Islamic_Guy: thats what they say and Allah knows best
sheikh sheket bivakashah: Allah may know best but he doesn't tell us bupkes, but his little brother Bill is something else
Islamic_Guy: Where are you from Dear brother?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: Allah is what we call a write only memory, or a hairpin gizmo
Islamic_Guy: What does your name mean?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: Why is it that the Koran is full of silliness?
Islamic_Guy: your a disbeliever huh? so your name is a attempt to insult?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I would never try to Insult anybody. I'm very nice.
sheikh sheket bivakashah: But Why would I beleive in the words of a book written by some obvious ignoramuses of the 8th century?
Islamic_Guy: what is your religion?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I am a Rosconian of the Fugawe Tribe
Islamic_Guy: What is that?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: The Rosconian Hoogly Book, the Ishkibbibbble, is On Line
sheikh sheket bivakashah: and What does that matter? it's reality that is the judge of all things, Reality talks, bullsheet walks
Islamic_Guy: You seem to be a rude and insulting human, is this the manners you walk with?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: No I'm not rude and insulting, I telling you like it is, You don't seem to like it like it is.
Islamic_Guy: You must not feel very good about yourself
Islamic_Guy: What makes you so insecure about your religion that make you want to convert everybody to it?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: What makes you so insecure about your religion that make you want to convert everybody to it?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: Actually I do feel good about myself, but I'm incensed that there are people in the world who want to send me to hell,
even though that place does not exist
sheikh sheket bivakashah: NOW That's REAL INSULTING!!
Islamic_Guy: Do you believe in God at all?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I've oftern noted that religions that send unbelievers to Hell in the next world are ready to commit atrocities in this world
Islamic_Guy: Is there a kind thought in you?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: History is my guide, History is not kind to fools
Islamic_Guy: Is there a kind thought in you?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I have lots of kind thoughts
Islamic_Guy: A forgiving thought?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: That too
Islamic_Guy: like what?
Islamic_Guy: Whats kind about you?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I amd quite nice in fact
sheikh sheket bivakashah: But not as Nice as Osama Bin Laden, he was So nice he got 5 women to marry him
Islamic_Guy: How, what makes you different from the people you hate so much?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I have never told people they will go to hell if they don't believe in some sky fairy
Islamic_Guy: you have a mic?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: NO
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I prefer no mikes
Islamic_Guy: lol ok, what race are you? What you consider yourself, white? Black? Spanish?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I find that if you can't express yourself in written words, speaking doesn't help
sheikh sheket bivakashah: There are no races, only variations on a theme, do you want there to be races?
Islamic_Guy: Ok so your poor at expressing yourself? I kind of get that from the way you talk
sheikh sheket bivakashah: Actually I'm quite good at expressing myself and
There is more actually more genetic variation in some sub saharan tribes than in all the people outside of africa
Islamic_Guy: its ok, if you ask Allah for help he will help you if you believe
sheikh sheket bivakashah: Ask Allah? and What is his email address? or his phone number?
Islamic_Guy: it dont seem like it, you seem angry and hateful without a cause
sheikh sheket bivakashah: NO I'm not agry or hatefull, I'm incisive
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I ask Pointed questions that I know you can't answer
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I know it bothers you, that's why I ask them, but then again I did not set up a room to convert people.
Islamic_Guy: Are you drinking? My uncles would rant like that when they was drunk
sheikh sheket bivakashah: Drunk on Dr Pepper? Perhaps your Uncles were smarter than you about religion and only allowed themselves to talk about it when they were Drunk.
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I know that there is no phone number for Allah because there is no Allah
Islamic_Guy: so every person who dont have a phone dont exisit? lol thats crazy thinking
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I find it interesting that supposedly all powerfull gods are incapable of mastering TCP/IP or HTTP or POTS
Islamic_Guy: I think your on drugs lol, I have to get some sleep, you take care ok
sheikh sheket bivakashah: No Drugs
Islamic_Guy: May Allah save your soul
sheikh sheket bivakashah: Why is it that you're so brain washed that you lost your power of critical thought?
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I have no Soul, that's another stupidstition you're full of as My thoughts are a product of my brain
sheikh sheket bivakashah: I find it interesting that religious people seem to be stuck in the ignorance of the 1st century
Islamic_Guy: wow your on drugs, drinking or someone molested you as a child. I dont know whats wrong with you but your not talking like a sain person
sheikh sheket bivakashah: they believe in Heaven, Hell, Angels and Demons
sheikh sheket bivakashah: Talk about insane, you're the one that pretends to talk to some sky fairy and
thinks that a book that thinks the earth is flat was dictated by that sky fairy, or his equally imaginary angel Jibril