Fundies are Nuts
More Islamic Idiots
Featuring Chaim Pippick
Simple DAWA
It's a nice religion
chaim_pippick: You have a Nice picture
Zainab Tanveer: thx
chaim_pippick: I visited New Hampshire a couple of years ago in the fall
Zainab Tanveer: good now plz covert to islam
chaim_pippick: why?
Zainab Tanveer: its a nice religion go to utube and research
chaim_pippick: My own religion is very nice
Zainab Tanveer: if ur ready then
Zainab Tanveer: say
Zainab Tanveer: Ash hadu allah illah wa ash hau anna muhammeda durasoollah
Zainab Tanveer: means
Zainab Tanveer: no god but Allah and his messenger is Muhammed (pbuh)
chaim_pippick:full of PBUH?
chaim_pippick:You could say the Shamahadah
Oh Ee Oo Ah Ah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang
chaim_pippick:Means whatever you like it to mean
Zainab Tanveer: he is a prophet
chaim_pippick: But Mohammad was illiterate and he didn't have a phone or tape recorder and his follwers were mostly unable to read or write
Zainab Tanveer: what? that time there was no phone or tape recorder
chaim_pippick: people who claim to be prophets and who can't read and have no phone or tape recoder are suspect
The authorship of the koran is in doubt, the official islamic hostories only claim there were fragments of suras that were compiled at a later date into several versions of a Koran
The koran istself is full of contradictions and inconsistancies, and has m,any obvious errors in it. Ontop of this it was not even compiled untill 70 years after Mohammad's death.
So to make a claim that it is the word of god is ludicrous