christian_kid: nm u?
h_rap_pringle: working on our new RLA posters
h_rap_pringle: The Rosconianese Liberational Army
christian_kid: can i ask what religion u are
h_rap_pringle: Rosconian
christian_kid: what religion is that
h_rap_pringle: well we are shmoos and shmentiles that believe that the Lord roscoe is our personal savior type god
christian_kid: why do you believe that
h_rap_pringle: because it is obvious, all you have to do is look at the punim of the Lord Roscoe to realize that.
christian_kid: honestly?
h_rap_pringle: of chorus
christian_kid: who do you think Jesus is
h_rap_pringle: my Gardener
christian_kid: honestly who do you think he is
h_rap_pringle: My Gardener, Jesus Morales
christian_kid: Jesus who lived on earth 2 thousand years ago
christian_kid: Jesus Christ
h_rap_pringle: are you sure?, did you know that man?
christian_kid: i know him
christian_kid: and he is my messiah
h_rap_pringle: seriously, you know somebody who lived 2000 years ago? you're kidding
h_rap_pringle: you're not that old
christian_kid: i do know him
christian_kid: because he lives today
h_rap_pringle: that does not sound possible
christian_kid: he was resurrected
h_rap_pringle: really a 2000 years old man
h_rap_pringle: he must really look like a prune
christian_kid: no
christian_kid: he is god
h_rap_pringle: does he have formaldehyde for blood?
christian_kid: what's that
h_rap_pringle: you're kidding me a 2000 yeas old man with formaldehyde blood is your god?
christian_kid: he is not 2000 year old man
christian_kid: he is eternal
h_rap_pringle: i have a question for you, do you believe in the tooth fairy?
christian_kid: existed before time
christian_kid: outside of time and also inside of time
christian_kid: no i don't
h_rap_pringle: why not she PAYS
christian_kid: she doesn't exist
christian_kid: Jesus does and he is god
christian_kid: and there is a lake of fire
h_rap_pringle: TIME does NOT exist by itself you know
christian_kid: and those who don't believe in him go there
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid, I think you've been smoking some strong dope
christian_kid: its true and Jesus is coming this year
h_rap_pringle: belief does not create reality, unless of course your a coocoohead
christian_kid: Jesus is real and so is heaven and hell
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid, Jesus came last week and mowed my lawn
christian_kid: Jesus is the way the truth and the life and no man cometh unto the father but by him
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid apaprently your recitation of DOGMA stubstitutes for thought
christian_kid: truly
christian_kid: you shall see the son of man coming from heaven this year
christian_kid: in clouds of glory
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid do you always repeat meaningless drivel without thought?
h_rap_pringle: I see clouds today, they are stratus clouds
h_rap_pringle: clouds are water droplets or ice crystals
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid you re acting as if the earth was flat and the sky was a dome over head, not far away
christian_kid: the earth is not flat
h_rap_pringle: i hate to tell you this, but in our day and age we know that the Earth is a planet
christian_kid: the bible does not preach that
christian_kid: go here
h_rap_pringle: but you just said that is was flat,. do you know what you are talking about
christian_kid: please look at the web site
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid the bible says that the earth is flat and covered with a dome that lets in the rain
christian_kid: no let me give u a site refuting that
h_rap_pringle: i have a bible
christian_kid: go here
h_rap_pringle: no site can refute what it actually says
christian_kid: take a look
christian_kid: remember it wasn't written in English
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid, can you read Hebrew?
h_rap_pringle: even a leetle bit, if you don't then how are you sure what the bible says or means?
christian_kid: no
h_rap_pringle: i can
christian_kid: did u used to be a Christian
h_rap_pringle: so take a hike with your fake web site
h_rap_pringle: it isn't even funny
christian_kid: Satan whispers things in your head and ears, don't listen to him
h_rap_pringle: it is sad that grown up people could believe such trash
h_rap_pringle: Satan is another one of your stupidstitions
christian_kid: it is true you are gonna see him so soon then what r u gonna think
h_rap_pringle: wanna take bets?
h_rap_pringle: i bet that Jesus never returns in your life time
h_rap_pringle: and you wanna know the reason
christian_kid: he is gonna return this year
h_rap_pringle: because the earth is not flat as the NT says it is, and the sky is not a curtain as the NT says it is
christian_kid: I' m not going to bet you not it doesn't
h_rap_pringle: you wanna take a bet/
christian_kid: no
h_rap_pringle: yes it does say those things, you are just afraid to read the words because it might shake your "faith"
christian_kid: its true
h_rap_pringle: it says that the Earth is flat
christian_kid: your gonna see him
h_rap_pringle: go here
christian_kid: please visit this web site
christian_kid: go here
christian_kid: please visit it
h_rap_pringle: Look at the Bible... Do you honestly believe that:
h_rap_pringle: - Woman came from a man's rib?
h_rap_pringle: - Food rained from the sky for 40 years?
christian_kid: yes i believe that
h_rap_pringle: - People were cured of any illness by seeing a brass serpent?
christian_kid: i believe what the bible says as truth
h_rap_pringle: - The sun stood still to help Joshua win a battle and went BACKWARDS For King Hezekiah?
h_rap_pringle: - Fish and bread magically multiplied to feed the hungry?
christian_kid: yeah
h_rap_pringle: - Water instantly turned to wine?
christian_kid: i believe Jesus did that
h_rap_pringle: -M ental illness is caused by demons?
christian_kid: some sure
h_rap_pringle: - There IS life-after-death in a city which is a cube 1,500 miles on a side flying around on the other side of the curtain that is the sky
christian_kid: only for people who believe in Jesus
christian_kid: and have been washed by the blood of the lamb
h_rap_pringle: hahahaha when brains were given out did you miss the line?
christian_kid: your gonna see him
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid why don't you try soap sometimes. blood is guey and stinks
christian_kid: what gonna go through your mind
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid I'm sorry but your brain has been smashed and replaced with a tape recorder
christian_kid: no
christian_kid: why don't you believe what Jesus said
h_rap_pringle: because Jesus' words are ghost written by people who were liars
christian_kid: so u don't believe that Jesus said those words
h_rap_pringle: "The devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them"(Matthew 4:1-12)
christian_kid: why?
h_rap_pringle: read that passage from the gospel of Matthew
christian_kid: it is a vision
h_rap_pringle: have you seen it before?
christian_kid: not a literal mountain
h_rap_pringle: whose vision?
christian_kid: Satan gave it to Jesus
christian_kid: to see the kingdoms
h_rap_pringle: listen to me,, either something is real and literal or it is bullshit
h_rap_pringle: whose vision was it?
christian_kid: both
christian_kid: Jesus and Satan were involved
h_rap_pringle: Jesus never wrote a word, Matthew wrote it
christian_kid: Jesus said that some people are the salt of the earth does that mean that we are literal pieces of salt
h_rap_pringle: first of all Jesus didn't say it
h_rap_pringle: did Matthew see the vision?
christian_kid: the holy spirit really wrote it through Matthew
h_rap_pringle: holy baloney
h_rap_pringle: Matthew made it up, he LIED
christian_kid: no
christian_kid: why would people believe it
h_rap_pringle: yes Matthew lied because there is no such a mountain
christian_kid: witnesses saw Jesus
h_rap_pringle: they lying book says people saw it, funny thing is nobody else wrote about jesus except the christians
h_rap_pringle: which brings us to a very strong point --- STUPID people believe STUPID things
christian_kid: its not a literal mountain
h_rap_pringle: Matthew was lying
christian_kid: no he wasn't
christian_kid: as i said the holy spirit really wrote it
h_rap_pringle: he does not say it was a vision
christian_kid: and what is written in revelation gonna happen soon
h_rap_pringle: Matthew does not say that the holy spirit told him to write anything
christian_kid: nowhere does it say that Jesus meant in a non literal sense that we are salt of the earth
h_rap_pringle: he reports it as if it happened
christian_kid: scripture is inspired
h_rap_pringle: pius lies written by evangelists are also called FICTION
christian_kid: it did happen
h_rap_pringle: where is the mountain
christian_kid: literal mountain
h_rap_pringle: where is it location please
christian_kid: i told u its a vision
h_rap_pringle: a vision is a fiction and a lie
christian_kid: no its the truth from Jesus
h_rap_pringle: either something is real or it is fiction
h_rap_pringle: "The devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them" (Matthew 4:1-12)
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid you have some funny ideas about truth, remind me never to call you for a witness
h_rap_pringle: where is the mountain
christian_kid: its not a literal mountain
h_rap_pringle: if it isn't a literal mountain then the passage is a lie
christian_kid: no
christian_kid: i told u about salt of earth
h_rap_pringle: listen you really do have a problem with reality
h_rap_pringle: lets stick with this mountain for a while
h_rap_pringle: you admit that there is no mountain from where you can see all the kingdoms of the earth
h_rap_pringle: why is there no such a mountain
christian_kid: there is no mountain because it isn't a literal mountain
h_rap_pringle: there is no mountain because the story is fiction
christian_kid: it is spiritual not physical
h_rap_pringle: do yo think it bothered Matthew that he was lying when he described this mountain?
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid do you know what the word spiritual means means air
christian_kid: he wasn't lying
h_rap_pringle: yes he was lying
christian_kid: when i say i am 14 i am not really 14 i am 14 and however many months days hours etc
h_rap_pringle: either something is the truth or it is lying, we can be nice and call it fiction
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid so you are ABOUT 14
h_rap_pringle: apparently some 14 years olds still haven't figured out reality , I never had that problem
christian_kid: each passage should be taken with how the passage is supposed to be taken
christian_kid: either literally or non literally
christian_kid: i know reality
christian_kid: i know Jesus
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid the idea that the passage should be take figuratively proves that it is fiction and the Matthew was lying
h_rap_pringle: really you know a 2000 years old fictional character who never existed
christian_kid: there is figurative language
h_rap_pringle: i know mickey mouse too, figuratively
christian_kid: and that dosnt mean it is not the truth
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid there is only one truth, if something is real it is truth, if it is a metaphor or an allegory, or a fictional story it is not truth
christian_kid: it is a metaphor
christian_kid: non literal
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid if you are taking a math quiz does the teacher want a figurative answer?
h_rap_pringle: he was real numbers
christian_kid: the bible isnt a math quiz
h_rap_pringle: reality is not figurative, nor is it a metaphor
christian_kid: it can be
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid if you are designing a bridge do you use real numbers or figurative descriptions
h_rap_pringle: the truth is, and you admit it, that the mountin that matthew describes is not real, and he is lying
christian_kid: he wasn't lying
christian_kid: just using language
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid think about what you are saying, you can lie if you use "language"
h_rap_pringle: and you are saying that matthew lied
h_rap_pringle: and yet you claim he didn't lie at the same time
christian_kid: i am not i am saying he used language
h_rap_pringle: language describing something that never happened and is quite impossible is called lying or to put it nicely -- FICTION
h_rap_pringle: ask your english teacher
christian_kid: ask him what
h_rap_pringle: if metaphors are true
christian_kid: if they relate to reality in an understandable way
h_rap_pringle: but they don't that's the point
christian_kid: they do
h_rap_pringle: Jesus never went up to that mountain, it does not exist and that passage says that the earth is flat
h_rap_pringle: why it is quite possible that Matthew thought that the earth was flat, BUT it ISN"T
h_rap_pringle: and it shows that Matthew was a liar
christian_kid: no i already told u
christian_kid: metaphorical
h_rap_pringle: and Matthew was an IGNORAMUS too, as the Greeks already knew the earth to be a sphere for hundreds of years.
christian_kid: vision
christian_kid: ur gonna see so soon
h_rap_pringle: WHAT? that the earth is flat and the sky is a dome?
h_rap_pringle: if you are trying to justify your theses that there actually was a Jesus, this alone would be enough to prove perjury and the witness would be put into jail
h_rap_pringle: Matthew consistantly impeaches himself with easily detectable lies
h_rap_pringle: his fancifull and patently rediculous assertions show that he is writing ficiton and that he never knew Jesus and that he is a liar
christian_kid: he is not a liar
christian_kid: and he wrote the truth from god
h_rap_pringle: that isn't truth, that is called fiction
christian_kid: it is truth he wrote the truth
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid there is no such a mountain
christian_kid: there is a not literal visionary mountain
christian_kid: He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid that also is a lie
christian_kid: truth
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid v there is no such a thing as everlasting life
h_rap_pringle: do you know what life is?
christian_kid: there is everlasting life
christian_kid: and i have it u know why
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid life is about energy
christian_kid: because Jesus died for me on the cross
christian_kid: and shed his blood for me thats why
h_rap_pringle: that is meaningless drivel and sacrafices are throwbacks to paganism
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid you never took biology?
christian_kid: its the truth
h_rap_pringle: it is a lie
christian_kid: Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid appaently somehow you caught a mind virus that makes it very difficult for you to be able to tell the difference between truth and lies
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid you never took biology?
christian_kid: i am taking it
h_rap_pringle: let stay on the subject of life for a while
h_rap_pringle: what is an important characteristic of living things
christian_kid: i dont like biology
h_rap_pringle: why not?
christian_kid: dont want to talk about it
christian_kid: have enough of it at school
h_rap_pringle: i thought so, you would rather parrot meaningless drive becaue it is some dogma that you heard in church and requires no thought at all
christian_kid: no i didnt believe because of church orp arent
christian_kid: but because of the holy spirit
h_rap_pringle: getting real knowledge sometimes requires effort
h_rap_pringle: no you were drilled int this dogma, invented by a comittee and by many authors of religious pamphets all written by unknowns
h_rap_pringle: such as "matthew"
christian_kid: no
christian_kid: the holy spirit
h_rap_pringle: does your biology course tell you something about LIFE
h_rap_pringle: HOLY BALONEY you mean
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid do you breathe?
christian_kid: yeah
christian_kid: cause of Jesus
h_rap_pringle: why do you breathe
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid at this rate you should fail bology
christian_kid: well i got a C
h_rap_pringle: i can guess why, perhaps the teacher was nice to you
christian_kid: dosnt matter though really
h_rap_pringle: barely adequate work, doesn't want to learn
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid why do you breathe, think about it
christian_kid: i dont think Jesus mind
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid what happens if you hold your breath
christian_kid: i would die eventualy
h_rap_pringle: why?
christian_kid: you tell me
h_rap_pringle: because you didn't get enought Jesus?
christian_kid: well Jesus is the reason i am breathing
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid: cause of Jesus
christian_kid: Jesus is outside of time
christian_kid: begotten not created
h_rap_pringle: but i can kill you by putting your head into a jar and preventing you from getting enough Jesus
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid i can tell you learned your catechism
h_rap_pringle: but that won't help you in biology
christian_kid: catholicsm
christian_kid: i'm protestant
christian_kid: i dont mind about biology really
h_rap_pringle: same thing, it is a church doctrine you are repeating, was formalized in the nicean creed
h_rap_pringle: there were other formulas but they killed the leaders of those groups
h_rap_pringle: you never heard of Arius?
christian_kid: no
h_rap_pringle: he was poisoned when it looked like his version of Jesus might win
h_rap_pringle: does it bother to find out that your dogma is the result of a murder?
christian_kid: what do u mean
h_rap_pringle: there were competeing dogmas which had resulted in christians persecuting and even killing each other
christian_kid: ok
h_rap_pringle: and Constantine in wishing his establishement of one CATHOLIC (universal ) church wanted all the bishops to agree on one formula
h_rap_pringle: Arius said that Jesus was Made by god
h_rap_pringle: the Egyptian bishops said that there was a trinity and the Jesus was the same as god
h_rap_pringle: Constantine thought that Arius was right
h_rap_pringle: but Arius was Assasinated by the trinitarians
h_rap_pringle: and the trinity dogma won out
christian_kid: well Jesus is not created but eternally begotten
christian_kid: but if the father ceased to exist so would the son it is believed
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid that is trintarian DOGMA not found in the bible untill AFTER the nicean creed was promulgated
christian_kid: no
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid did yo know that the text of the NT was changed by the church?
christian_kid: there is trinitarian in the OT
christian_kid: let me show u few verses
h_rap_pringle: sorry there isn't
h_rap_pringle: you are a sad case all fired up in bullshit and you know nothing about the real world and nothing about real history
christian_kid: in genesis he uses us and our
h_rap_pringle: is it too hard for you to even think about the definition of life?
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid before the monothesism of the later bible there was polytheism, do you know that
h_rap_pringle: EL was the cheif god and YAHU was one of his sons
christian_kid: And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever like US"
h_rap_pringle: US refers to the previous polytheism as I already told you, look up UGARIT on line
h_rap_pringle: that is why there are three documents that went into genesis
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid what hebrew word was used in that passage for LORD
christian_kid: For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, a Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid what hebrew word was used in that passage for LORD
christian_kid: er
christian_kid: The plural form for "Lord" used frequently in the Old Testament:'adonai ("Lord," literally, "my Masters"). The vowel in the last syllable of 'adonai was apparently lengthened by rabbis in the post-New Testament period. This is thought to have been done to sharpen the distinction between earthly lords and the Lord God.
h_rap_pringle: too bad you do't know squat, it was YAHU, adonai is used so Jews don't have to say the NAME
christian_kid: The Old Testament had a singular term for God, Eloah, which they occasionally used, but the vast majority of the time the plural form of God, Elohim, is used throughout the Old Testament. Had there been only be two persons within God, the Hebrews could have used a dual form Elohiayim, which was typically (although not always) used of things that occured in pairs.
h_rap_pringle: ABSOLUTELY WRONG
h_rap_pringle: complete and utter bullshit
h_rap_pringle: that;s what they are teaching you
h_rap_pringle: Look up the E and J and the P documents
christian_kid: did u used to be christian
h_rap_pringle: never, i wasn't that dumb even at age 5
christian_kid: y
h_rap_pringle: because chrsitainity is too stupid to be believed
christian_kid: how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation
h_rap_pringle: there is no salvation, that is a crock
h_rap_pringle: first of all you have not even thought about life in the tecnical sense
h_rap_pringle: i asked you about breathing and you side stepped it into Jesus did it
christian_kid: yes if god wasnt here you would breathe
h_rap_pringle: name one person you know that is alive today older than 150 years
christian_kid: no cant
h_rap_pringle: christian_kid did you ever read one book on the history of the earth?
christian_kid: no
h_rap_pringle: you see -- ignorance does not help you
h_rap_pringle: the ea5th is very old
h_rap_pringle: 4.5 billion years or so
christian_kid: here take a look
h_rap_pringle: LOOK at any reputable book on the subject, not appologists who are trying to push the talking snake theory
christian_kid: there are books
christian_kid: loadz of evidence for god and christ
h_rap_pringle: there is no independant evidence for a Jesus and none for a god
h_rap_pringle: the evidence is that the earth is very old and the life developed just about as soon as the earth cooled
christian_kid: evolution is wrong take a look at the facts
h_rap_pringle: we have evidence for life as early as 3.8 BILLION years ago
christian_kid: i can give u a few websites to look at
christian_kid: the bible doesn't disagree with that
h_rap_pringle: the bible thinks that the earth is 6000 years old
h_rap_pringle: evolution is correct look at the facts, not in your stupid website
christian_kid: u wont look at the websites
h_rap_pringle: the bible is not truth we've established that
h_rap_pringle: i've already looked at them
christian_kid: ive g2g bye
h_rap_pringle: QUOTE! The stranglehold that Darwinism has had in the biological sciences for decades has already been weakened over the last 30 years due to the new creationist movement <- this is a lie, evolutionary biology is the ONLY rational description that explains the variety of life
h_rap_pringle: yousee theses site lie
christian_kid: no its not bye