abu_very_dullah: is he created? is he a man?
h_rap_pringle: abu_very_dullah: could you post in the chat room please?
abu_very_dullah: we are Muslims
h_rap_pringle: we are Shmuzlims
abu_very_dullah: we submit to one god
h_rap_pringle: we submit to a committee
abu_very_dullah: and there is none worthy of worship except God
abu_very_dullah: and there is no religion that is acceptable to God except Islam
abu_very_dullah: what committee?
h_rap_pringle: there are at least 6 worthy of worship however they don't give a damn whether you worship them or not
abu_very_dullah: this is falsehood how many gods do u believe in?
h_rap_pringle: there are at least 6 worthy of worship however they don't give a damn whether you worship them or not
abu_very_dullah: I wont support that room by being there
h_rap_pringle: what room?
abu_very_dullah: lets keep it in private
abu_very_dullah: u keep inviting me to your room
h_rap_pringle: it is I assure you
h_rap_pringle: nobody but sheikh what's his name there
abu_very_dullah: how many gods do you believe in?
h_rap_pringle: 6
h_rap_pringle: it is a good number
abu_very_dullah: this is falsehood
h_rap_pringle: but the 6 are one big fat god zooks
abu_very_dullah: there is only 1 God
abu_very_dullah: this God is the true God
abu_very_dullah: he is the Creator of everything
h_rap_pringle: Our faith system is true truth as truly revealed to us by the prophets of our faith system
abu_very_dullah: He is not created
h_rap_pringle: creator in what way?
abu_very_dullah: your prophets are false
h_rap_pringle: how would you know, you never read the Shmoran
abu_very_dullah: because this is in contradiction with our belief of God
h_rap_pringle: please come tell me why there is no big bang in the Koran, was it written by pre-scientific people?
abu_very_dullah: true*
abu_very_dullah: have u studied the Qur'an?
h_rap_pringle: abdullaah our prophets are not only true, they are far superious to yours
abu_very_dullah: lets focus on the topic of god first
h_rap_pringle: god? you know god? face to face?
h_rap_pringle: tuchas to tuchas? Belly to belly, don't give a damn cause I done that already?
abu_very_dullah: describe the god u believe in
h_rap_pringle: my god made the universe with his big bang machine
abu_very_dullah: machine?
h_rap_pringle: he could do it because it was small
abu_very_dullah: machine?
h_rap_pringle: yes machine, do you think that making a universe is easy, you could burn yourself, your tuchas would be in eensy pieces
abu_very_dullah: u idiot is this the god u believe in?
abu_very_dullah: that he needs a machine to do something?
h_rap_pringle: yes of course it is
abu_very_dullah: Allah the true God we believe in only needs to say "be" and "it is"
h_rap_pringle: yes can you make something without a machine?
h_rap_pringle: a tool? what do you make without tools? you even need tools in the kitchen.
abu_very_dullah: u cant compare god to his creation
abu_very_dullah: God is the Creator of everything
h_rap_pringle: name one thing you can make without a tool? poop? a snow ball?
abu_very_dullah: God doesn't need any help or assistance, otherwise this would invalidate lordship
abu_very_dullah: god is not like us while we are mere human beings
h_rap_pringle: unfortunately you may claim that, but your god's supposed revelations prove that he is quite a stupid god, about as stupid and ignorant as mohammad
abu_very_dullah: our abilities is limited
abu_very_dullah: God's ability is not limited
abu_very_dullah: He does what He wills
abu_very_dullah: don't forget perhaps your god is limited
abu_very_dullah: He is the creator of the universe
abu_very_dullah: read what I said - God's ability is not limited ok
h_rap_pringle: if your god was so great how come he doesn't have his own web page on the Internet?
abu_very_dullah: since u insulted my God
abu_very_dullah: I wont speak anymore
h_rap_pringle: I haven't insulted your god, you don't have one, you have a silly made up god, I insulted you
abu_very_dullah: u stupid idiot
abu_very_dullah: this shows ur foolishness
abu_very_dullah: www.islamworld.net
abu_very_dullah: Go learn about Islam
abu_very_dullah: bye
h_rap_pringle: no it doesn't I ask you where in your holy book it say EXPLICITLY that the earth is a planet
h_rap_pringle: it does in the Ishkibbibble
abu_very_dullah: find out there
abu_very_dullah: bye
h_rap_pringle: it does in the Ishkibbibble, because the Ishkibbibble is reviewed for errors and changed to meet the latest findings of science, by a committee of really funny people who know abotu science
abu_very_dullah: hehehe
h_rap_pringle: hehehehehehe
abu_very_dullah: god makes mistakes?
abu_very_dullah: is this the god u believe in?
h_rap_pringle: Yes your god makes lots of really stupid mistakes, in the Koran he thinks that the earth is flat
h_rap_pringle: he also claims man is mad of clay or water, or dust, or a blood clot, 4 choices all wrong
h_rap_pringle: there is your ludicrous God
abu_very_dullah: may Allah the true God - The One who has created everything - guide you!
h_rap_pringle: Your Allah is no guide at all, his prophet was even ignorant for his own time
h_rap_pringle: such an ignoramus might have made a good war lord but not a true prophet of god
h_rap_pringle: even the people that knew him personally knew he was not prophet but a poser
h_rap_pringle: for their wisdom he had them killed
h_rap_pringle: such a prophet is not found in Rosconiansism
h_rap_pringle: our prophets are much mo bettah than yours
abu_very_dullah: shut up
abu_very_dullah: o.k?
h_rap_pringle: shut up?
abu_very_dullah: and go study who the true God is
h_rap_pringle: you can't take it, you hate the truth, your prophet was a liar who could not read and garbled every story that he heard
abu_very_dullah: www.islamworld.net and www.islamguide.com
abu_very_dullah: lol
abu_very_dullah: I cant take falsehood
abu_very_dullah: it is too false for me to even consider refuting it
h_rap_pringle: all you guys print is useless propaganda about your stupid religion
abu_very_dullah: honestly!
abu_very_dullah: o.k
abu_very_dullah: bye
h_rap_pringle: honestly there is not one true verse in the Koran test it
abu_very_dullah: one more insult and ur blocked
abu_very_dullah: test it?
abu_very_dullah: u idiot
abu_very_dullah: go try and find 1 contradiction
abu_very_dullah: go and try and find 1 mistake
h_rap_pringle: you mean try to find one thing right in the Koran
abu_very_dullah: u fool
h_rap_pringle: Mohammad gets an F for his putrid term paper, he was thrown out of the university and he burned it down in retribution
h_rap_pringle: abu_very_dullah the Koran is so full of errors the whole thing is wrong from front to back
abu_very_dullah: www.islamguide.com -- www.islamworld.net -- honestly, go learn about Islam. But be sincere in ur approach. Bye
h_rap_pringle: abu_very_dullah I have read about islam and the Koran and it certainly does not measure up and I am sincere